Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Why They Don't get what they deserve????

    The Unspoken Truth

Hey Guys!!! Hope you all are doing great and are safe in this time. Today I wanna talk about a topic which no one really talks about that much but it is really important. So lets talk about the most purest love You can get from someone.....What do you think It is according to you , maybe You will think of your family or friends or loved ones But It is kinda differnet for me and for many people.

What I wanna say is that if You ever had gotten a love from any animal , you are soo lucky. Why I said it?

If you ever had a pet you would know why I said it. For those who didn't have pet. Let me tell you that according to me the love you can get from animals , you can't get it from anywhere. They just give you love and the only thing they want from you in return is also true love and nothing else. 

WHY?? I am talking about the animal love today to bring your attention to those animals who have a very pure soul and heart but don't get what they deserve because of our society and people's mindeset

                      The Reality Of  Your "PRETTY DOG AND CAT BREEDS"

There is a whole different situation from which you see. If you ever has gone to breeder or pet shops to but an animal. You would have seen some puppies playing or may be sleeping but have you ever cared to see how their parents are....How are they treated. Many breeders trick people by providing them a paper of the puppy parents details but are you really sure that is true.

Most of the breeders only see profit they are earning not the condition of a dog. Let me explain It to you.

There is a whole lot process of going behind the four walls and let me give you a little breif.  Most of the breeders put the dogs in a cage and just provide them the necessary meal to survive and they don't even care about the dogs and when a dog just lost his capability of producing more babies they just abandon them on the streets in the worst conditions. Most of the breeders just force the dogs to produce more puppies and put them in a position , tie them so they are forced to produce babies and let me tell you you will not like it if you see that.

How can you help?? Just stop buying dogs because even if you purchase one dog You incourage them them to produce more and keep harming those little voiceless babies.

    What to do If you want a Dog or Cat?

Many of you will think then what should we do if we want a Dog.
(pic courtesy- Vaani from pawdorable)

You can adopt a dog or cat in which you will even don't have to pay and you will make someone's life a lot better and will get unconditional love and small gestures of them to laugh upon and someone who will always be on your side on everything.
There are many adoptions pages on every social media site and there might be some shelter around you which can help you get a dog or cat
But There is a thing that lot of people don't think of first if you are going to get an animal adopted please talk to your whole family first because getting an animal and then again leaving them is not a solution , and people need to understand that they have feelings too
(pic courtesy- Vaani from pawdorable)

Please also keep in mind that you have to be a responsible pet parent because people usually don't think for long term and always think for short term happiness and joy. Remember you have to train them , you have to take care of their health , you have to take care of their food , and always keep in mind that animals have a teething phase in which they need things to chew on. There are many people who leave their dog by saying he bites everything because of their toothing phase. Please think of everything before having a pet becaus rehoming or leaving the animal is not good for the animal's health and People need to understand that they also have feelings if they can't speak doesn't mean they don't feel anything

                              Why You Should adopt native Indian breeds (Indie)

(pic courtesy- Vaani from pawdorable)

People say don't judge a book by its cover. And you should also apply it to the animals. Many people think the Indies living on the streets are very aggressive and not trainable but let me tell you they are not as I have one too in my home and she is a well mannered little girl and I also have some fur friends in my area and I don't even know them from their childhood but they still never have bitten me or anyone. The love in their eyes says it all what they want and they deserves it.
Lets get it straight , Indian native breed or you can say "INDIES" are very affectionate and loving and are also very intellegent and easy trainable. They are adapted towards the Indian climate and have very strong immune , They don't even shed much and are not very prone to diseases if have proper diet.
(pic courtesy- Vaani from pawdorable)

And don't tell me they aren't cute!!!! They are the cutest and are very beautiful in their own way.

                        How to Help

Maybe you can't adopt a dog or cat due to some reason but You can still Help!!
Yes you can by fostering an animal for some time or you can even feed animals near you.
(pic courtesy- Vaani from pawdorable)

Maybe you can give funds or donate to the NGO's of animal welfare (I personally prefer you ask for details and check if they really do the animal welfare work by following them or stalking them for some time)
You can also keep water bowls nearby and refill and clean them after some time as the summer has started and as much human need water the animals also do want it!!
You can allow those little fur friends to sleep in your house staircase or in the parking lot because it is too much heat outside.
(pic courtesy- Vaani from pawdorable)

You can even help and support the people doing it by showing them support and following them.
And if you think you are not very old to do so let me tell you that there is no age as I saw a girl who is studying in school and still doing every possible things she can do and is becoming a cause for the betterment. She proved that If you Have the will , You can do everything despite of your age all you need to have is a strong will. 
You can even support her and show her some love!!
(Personal Note- This whole blog is not sponsored by anyone and is not written to earn profit or anything like that This blog is just written to spread awareness and to create and become a cause)

I will see you guys shortly with a new blog soon with more information and Make sure to follow me or tell me in the comments section how to improve and Share it and support and incourage me and Thanks to all who always motivate me and support me.
And Special Thanks to Vaani for helping me for the pics and for inspiring me more to do what I really wan to!! Love for Paws 🐾 (@_pawdorable) • Instagram photos and videos

~Written by - Aarna Singh

Friday, April 24, 2020


HI GUYS!!!!Today I am going to tell you about something very important. I want to discus a major problem to all of you. This is a major problem all over the world nowadays .
YES guys, today we are going to discuss about the disease Covid-19 or Coronavirus. You all know very much about this virus and are aware of it but today I am going to tell you about this in brief.



It all started from China and its first case was registered in December 2019 And it spread very fast from one person to thousands in China. It is a communicable disease. Now it has been spread in almost every country and is spreading soo fast that the total number of cases world wide is almost about 27 lakh people who got infected with this virus and about 1 lakh people have died due to this virus and soo many people are still suffering from this virus and the concerning topic is that any medicine to cure this virus has not developed yet but all the scientist worldwide are trying to find a cure for it. Some country are suffering soo badly due to this like USA, Spain, Italy, UK etc.
Due to this pandemic situation governments of many country have announced lockdown to prevent spreading the virus to people and to save people of their country from this virus.
In India the government has also announced the lockdown. First the lockdown was of 21 days and then due to rising cases of coronavirus the government extended it for 40 days.

                                                    SAFETY MEASURES 

Now I am going to tell you some safety measures :-
1)Do not go outside, go only when it is too necessary.
2)Always wear mask when go outside.
3)Wash your hands frequently and wash your hands for minimum 20 seconds.
4)Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with hand.
5)Maintain social distancing(maintain distance of about 1 metre or 3 feet)
6)If you have fever, cough and difficulty in breathing seek medical care early.
7)Keep yourself clean and use alcohol based sanitizer when you go outside and use it very frequently.
8)Take proper nutrition to protect your body from any disease and eat food which will help you to boost up your immune system.
These are some normal precautions which anyone can take and can help to stop spreading the virus.

                                                 A TRIBUTE TO HEROES

I want to give a tribute to all the real life heroes who are still working in this pandemic situation to save our life. I want to give tribute to doctors, soldiers and police officers who are still working without worrying about their life, without worrying about their family and are working 24 hours just to save us. In the real life the real heroes are know showing their superpower now but some people are abusing them and are trying to hurt or kill them that is not fair you are just hurting the ones who are trying to save you. Many of us support and show love to all the imaginary heroes soo much, so why can't we all support these real life heroes who are ready to give their life just to save you after they don't know you and don't have any relation with you.
Think about it twice and please guys start supporting them instead of abusing them. Support them to build up their confidence and thank them for helping us. At least  we can do this for building their self confidence.

So I am ending this here and will say to you to be safe at home and follow instructions of government and respect their orders and respect doctors and soldiers. I will advice you to stay healthy and keep your surrounding clean and stay safe.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

A great bond

                                     A GREAT BOND

HI GUYS!!!! Today I am going to tell you about the perfect bond in which there is fight, love, ignorance and all of you might be thinking of a husband and wife relation or mother and her child or father and his child.
NO guys today you all are thinking wrong this is the bond between a brother and sister.
Guys you all agree with me? Maybe or may not but the bond shared between a brother and sister is absolutely the bond which you can not share with anyone else in this world.
So guys I am gonna tell you some things about this bond.

                                          LOVE OF BROTHER AND SISTER 

All of this started when we are young and our younger sibling take birth. Some time we get jealous with the younger one as they are getting more attention, love, care which we were getting before the arrival of them and from jealousy we develop a feeling of hate for them. As it is all a childish ignorance as we grow up we fight and become crime partners and in anger tell all the truths of our siblings to our parents and we love each other and care for each other but never shows it. Yes this is the bond of brother and sister we fight but love each other but will never show each other. As we grow up we start realizing the importance of each other. We start showing love and care towards each other and if we see other sad that make us sad and we try to cheer them up and try to understand their problem. We make fun of each other and tries to tease each other but when any other make our sibling sad we become furious.
Guys you all know each other very well knows all the good and bad traits about each other and knows all secrets of each other and the greatest thing is that we support the other one and always tries to make each other happy by gifting them something or by doing silly things
The most heartbroken time is when the sister is getting married and is leaving her brother and family and going to start a new life in a new home and in a new family. The moment is the saddest moment for the sister and her brother and at this stage of life when the person who is living with you from the time of birth, the person who is your crime partner, the person who loves you the most, the person with whom you has spent your childhood is gonna leave you. The time which is spent together is so small and the sadeness is breaking your heart and after this all the brother keep a smile on thier face
just not to make thier sister cry because thier sister is the most important thing in thier life and they don't want to make her sad or make her cry but the bond between them is unbreakable and after doing anything thier bond is the bond which can't be broken as they share a great love and affection towards each other and the way of showing thier love is fight and care

But after all those triflings fights will be missed by us one day and we gonna miss those time which were once very enjoyed and we are gonna miss all the time we spent together
So I will end by saying a sister and brother is always meant to love each other and forgive them if they have commited a mistake that will make you both happy and keep our surrondings clean

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Gift of God

                                      GIFT OF GOD

HI!! guys today I am going to tell you something very important.
As you had already read the heading , some of you are thinking of water,human or tress. You all are thinking almost right but today's topic cover all the things.
You are thinking right that is NATURE.
So guys today I am going to share my views on nature.Maybe you will also agree and will follow some of the precautions to save nature.
So I am going to start with the most important topic global warming.


So you all have heard this term in your daily life and maybe some of you have knowledge about it and maybe some are taking some precautions for it.
I want to show my point of view on this topic.
So,guys global warming is the drastic change in earth's temperature and due to this melting of ice caps,changes in weather and all the cycle of weather or monsoon is disturbed and this is due to Green house gas and the high amount of carbon dioxide present in the air and we have to take some precautions  over this to protect our nature and that means to protect our earth
As we all need oxygen, water and food to survive in this earth that we obtain from our mother nature


So,we all need to be careful about some minor things to protect our nature :-
1) We should save natural resources.
2) We should grow more more tress to maintain the oxygen level in the air.
3) We should use 3 R's that are Reduce , Recycle , Reuse .
4) We should save water and electricity.
5) We should walk or use cycle for shorter distance instead of bike.
6) We should reduce the use of car and bike and encourage the use of  public transport and car pooling.
7) We use clean fuel.
8) We should not buy things that are packed in soo much plastic packaging.
SO these are some of tips that I think one can follow without facing any problem or easily.


Yes guys you all know all about deforestation and It simply means cutting down of forests on a large scale and guys It is very common term and the continuous cutting of tree for human use is the major problem as due to this wild animals are becoming homeless and it also is causing major effects to Earth's environment and we should not cut tress but we should encourage growing saplings on a large scale and discourage using new furniture if the old can be used.
So,I think you will help the organisations or government to help our Earth


As we are living in a very busy and polluted world and we are also the main reason of this pollution. Do you think that there is any pollution in the past like today ? No there is no pollution like today in the earlier times. The pollution level is getting high over day and day because of human activities.
Some major reasons for pollution are 
The increase number of running vehicle per day which produce smoke which causes air pollution and the industrial water discharged into water bodies without cleaning the water which cause water pollution and the increased amount of loud voice like honking unnecessarly and playing music in loud voice which harms the environment and disturb other living creatures too and some farmers also use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in excess which cause soil pollution


1) We should use CNG instead of petrol
2) We should do car pooling
3) We should clean the water before disposing it to water bodies
4) We should listen music in low volume and should not honk unnecessarly
5) We should use natural fertilizers and use less pesticides
6) We should encourage the habbit of walking or using cycle for short distance 

So I think you will take some small steps and will encourage others for doing it to save our mother Earth and to make this world better for next generation
So I will end by saying grow more and more tress and save our environment and keep our surroundings clean.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The greatest blessing

                                   Behaviour towards mother  

Hi guys, today i am going to tell you about something that is very important in all living creatures life.
That is their mother.
Yes guys you all know that how important is the role of a mother. Maybe you all had spent time with your mother and in those time you were maybe spending good times or were fighting with your mother. You all have your memories with your mother. They can be good or anything else but do you ever think that did those memories hurting your mother ? Do you ever noticed your volume or tone of speaking while talking to your mother ? Had you ever noticed how hard she is working to just give you a better life ?
Now i am going to tell you about the feelings of a mother and what does she need from you.

                                                      A mother 

It all has started from when you were born. Mother is the only person in your life who really thinks and care about you till starting to end without seeing their profit. Yes guys the only person who can give their whole life for you is only your mother. You all know how difficult it is to do all the work she do everyday. Her main motive of life is giving you all the facilities and to give you a better life .

In the photo you can see a mother carrying her child . Which shows the love of a mother. You all have some difficult time in which your mother never leaves you. From the time you were born till the last she is with you in your difficult and good time. She can do anything for you to make your life perfect. There is a line by a great human"the day you were born is the only day your mother become happy after seeing you crying." 
Do you agree with this line? Definitely i do and thinks most of the people will also agree.I know you are thinking about those fight with your mom and do you remember any fight in which you cried and your mother don't come to cheer you. There is definitely not a fight like that. She will do anything to make you feel comfortable. She will adjust with your habit and your needs. She will do everything to be a ideal mother for you and do you ever tried to make her comfortable and do what she likes ?
Are you regretting now? Today I am going to tell you somethings and if you follow them maybe you will not regret later


I want to start with the word priority. Yes friends its depends on priority of you. 
Ever noticed that your mother priority is you and you just take her as an option. NO,guys it is not good to choose your mother as an option. Her priority can be you but why she can't yours?Because she do house work and all the things for you without any fee, she come to you to make you happy or cheer you up any time.
Guys do you think  she is happy with your behaviour  towards her?
I don't think it is okay to treat her like an option and will advice you to treat her like your priority and make her feel that in your life there is no one better than her which is true.


I have seen many people fighting with their mother irrelevantry which they shouldn't .Those fight with your mother doesn't hurt you but your wordings can hurt your mother.So i will advice you not to fight with your mother as you don't know what will hurt her and can make her cry because of you. Don't be the reason for her crying and be the reason behind her smile and laughter.


You can spend time with her by talking to her,doing things which she like and be sorry for your mistakes and by telling her your problems and maybe those problem can be solved by her. I will advice you to do things which she can't do but like to do. By doing that things with her, will make her happy and you will also enjoy doing this also your bond will get stronger and she will not feel alone anytime and will be happy that you manage time to spend some time for her.
Believe me spending time with her will result good


Don't be angry at her. She is the reason behind your existence,your smile,your best childhood memories and she is the reason behind all the things in your life. I will say don't ever shout at her because of your work pressure or anything else even if she make a mistake as it is a human nature to make mistakes and if she does so, it is not a problem at all as you had also made many mistakes in your childhood but she forgives you everytime . So why you can't so ?
If you will not be angry at her believe you will notice changes in her and the changes will be positive and this will result in spending more time with her.


You should listen to her what she talking about.You can take advice from her about various things and you should talk to her no matters where you are and what you are doing. As i told you above treat her like your priority.
You also shouldn't lie to her about anything no matters what will happen next or what will be her response or she will be angry with you.


You should respect her as you are in this world because of her. You should treat her like a queen and it doesn't matter what others will think. Your main focus should be making her happy everytime and don't let her cry for any reason.There is no problem in working like a slave for your mother and should not be feeling any awkard to do any work for her. You can also take her to shopping with your money and buy things she like with your money which can make her feel really like a queen. You should take photos,selfies with her and post them on a social media site with a good text under it and show her that her photo has got this much of like and make her feel like superior

 So,know you know what to do to make your mother happy and I will advice you not to misbehave with her and it doesn't matter what conditions you are suffering from and I believe if she is happy you will be happy automatically and her blessings are very important for you.
I want to give advice to teens who are going from the period of mental and physical changes as I have seen many teens misbehaving with their mother that they shouldn't and i know because of the changes their going through their body and brain but they should control their emotions as their wordings can hurt their mother.
At last i will advice you to follow these tips and well behave with your mother and stay fit and healthy and keep your surroundings clean



Saturday, February 1, 2020

sleeping tips

HI guys . today i am going to tell you about some tips for sleeping to live a healthy life and i will give you some tips about sleep that you can follow and be fit and healthy.
So I am going to start with the time habit of sleeping and i will advice you to the timing for sleep according to your age.
So new born baby of 0-3 months need sleep of 14-17 hours
Children of age group 4-12 months need sleep of 12-16 hours
Children of age group 1-2 years need sleep of 11-14 hours
children of age group 3-5 years need sleep of 10-13 hours
children of age group 9-12 years need sleep of 9-12 hours
Teens of 13-18 years need sleep of 8-10 hours
adults of age group 18-60 years need sleep of 7 hours
old people of age 61-64 need sleep of 7-9 hours
and people remaining means 64 and above need sleep of 7-8 hours
So here I have told you about sleeping time of people of every age and the most sleep is needed by new born babies and least is needed by old people.
Now i will end my article and advice you to be healthy and keep your surroundings clean.

Pokemon rocks

This world is full of negativity and positivity. But choosing your side is one of the most important thing to do in life.
You could either choose the positive side or you could even choose the negative side to live your life.
But I has choosen the bright side amongst the two available sides .
I try to live my life in the most positive way possible.

I love watching the pokemon as this is one of most positive thing on the earth . PIKA PIKA
PIKACHU..wooooo the pokemon rocks..

Pokemon master banna hai mujhe ...pika pika pika .